EPL Focus Issue on “Complex Flows and Complex Fluids”

A Focus issue wth contributions from the meeting participants will be published on Europhysics Letters. Here some provisional info.

Short Abstract

In recent years, novel approaches have emerged to study out-of-equilibrium properties of complex flows and complex fluids. These approaches stand at the crossroad of statistical physics, fluid dynamics, collective behaviour studies and Machine Learning.

This focus issue wants to highlight some of the most recent advances in the fields of Complex Flows and Complex Fluids, being these theoretical, numerical, experimental or obtained with data-driven methodologies.

In particular, contributions will discuss open questions concerning control and prediction of statistical properties of Eulerian and Lagrangian turbulent flows, as well as the physics of multiphase and multicomponent fluids at micro- and macro-scales, non-Newtonian fluids, active matter, and collective biological behaviors in complex flows.

Submissions upon invitation only

Opening of submissions (provisional date) August 1, 2025

Closing of submissions (provisional date) February 1, 2026

EPL Prizes for best oral presentations of Early Career scientists

Europhysics Letters provides sponsorship to the “Complex Flows and Complex Fluids 2025” meeting in the form of a prize for the two best oral presentations by Early Career scientists (with up to 8 years research experience after PhD completion).

Winners will receive a certificate, a voucher for free open access publication in EPL (additional terms and conditions apply), and a cash award (200 EUR).

If you are an eligible candidate, do not forget to specify it in the registration form!