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Invited Talks
- Fragmentation of Brittle and Ductile Aggregates in Homogeneos Isotropic Turbulence, NORDITA Particle Growth in Turbulence, 2023
- Data-driven and equations-informed tools for modelling turbulent flows, STATPHYS28-TOKYO, 2023
- Machine-learning and equations-informed tools for generation and augmentation of turbulent data.
Artificial Intelligence and the Uncertainty challenge in Fundamental Physics, Paris, 2023
- Data-driven and equations-informed tools for modelling turbulent flows, Ningbo-EIT, 2023
- Data-driven and equations-informed tools for modelling turbulent flows, Kyoto University, 2023
- Data driven tools for Lagrangian Turbulence, ICTS, 2023
- Data driven tools for Lagrangian Turbulence, CM60+ Flow Turbulence and Wind Energy Symposium, Puerto RICO, 2023
- Exploring Turbulence: A Personal Journey through Critical Behavior, Anomalous Scaling, and Data-Driven Approaches, University of Chicago, 2023
- Lagrangian Forcing Protocols for Turbulence and Turbulent Convection, ICTS, 2022
- On the robustness of the 3d Navier-Stokes equations under small-scales perturbations, Gallavotti-80, Rome, 2022
- AI Meets Complex Fluids and Complex Flows: Eulerian and Lagrangian Data-Driven Tools for Optimal Navigation and Data Assimilation in Turbulence, Aix en Provence, 2022
- Machine Learning tools for PDEs and PDEs tools for ML.
ELLIS-ESA Workshop 2021.
- Equation informed and data-driven tools for data-assimilation and data-classification of turbulent flows.
DSFD - Plenary talk, 2020
- Equation Informed and Data-Driven Tools for Data-Assimilation and Optimal Navigation in Complex Flows.
Turbulence: Problems at the Interface of Mathematics and Physics, International Centre for Theoretical Sciences -Bangalore, India, 2020
- Equation informed and data-driven tools for data-assimilation and data-classification of turbulent flows.
Ellis QPhML 2020
- Reconstruction of turbulent data with deep generative models for semantic inpainting from TURB-Rot database.
Colloquium Euromech 614 - Machine learning methods for prediction and control of separated turbulent flows. June 2021
- Statistical properties of turbulence in the presence of a smart small-scale control.
Colloquium Euromech 620 - Extreme dissipation and intermittency in turbulence, May 2021
- Data-driven and equation informed tools to model and reconstruct turbulent flows.
The Legacy of Carlo Cercignani: from Kinetic Theory to Turbulence Modeling, 2021
- Inferring physical
parameters in turbulence: from nudging to machine learningWor. kshop on
"Big data, data assimilation, and uncertainty quantification" Institut
Henri Poincare, Paris France 2019.
- Modelli per
classificare, ricostruire e sfruttare dati geofisici in presenza di
flussi complessi. La genesei dei modelli, teoria simulazioni e dati.
Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma Italy 2019.
- Inverse,
direct and flux-loop cascades in rotating turbulence. Conference
"Universal features of hydrodynamical, optical and wave turbulence" Nice, France 2019
- Optimal navigation in
turbulent flows. CECAM Workshop Active Matter and Artificial Intelligence.
Lausanne, Switzerland 2019
- Smart Lagrangian Control
of Turbulence: Reinforcement Learning and Nudging applied to complex
flows. School on Computational Mathematical Modeling. Geilo, Norway 2019
- Nudging, Hybrid Monte
Carlo, Smart Particles: new tools for old turbulent problems. Workshop
on 'Perspectives in Turbulence'. Texas A & M University, USA 2018
- Learning from Smart
Lagrangian particles in turbulent flows: one-way and two-way coupling
(a journey in Mare Incognitum). Colloquium Cornell University, USA 2018
- On the direct and
inverse energy transfer in rotating turbulence. Conference on 'Kinetic
and Related Models in the Natural Sciences'. Madison University, USA
- Direct and inverse
ebergy cascades in turbulence HOHAI University Nanjing, China 2018
- Lagrangian and Eulerian
Turbulence NUAA, Nanjing China 2018
- Flow navigation by smart
particles cia Reinforcement Learning. Shanghai Jao Tong University,
China 2018
- Turbulence at high and
low rotation rates. Shanghai Jao Tong University, China 2018
- On the effects of
helicity in turbulent flows HOHAI University Nanjing, China 2018
- Energy Transfer and
energy dissipation in turbulent flows. University of Xiamen, China 2018
- Cascades in turbulent
flows. COST Conference 'Flowing Matter" Lisbon, Portugal 2018
- Flow navigation by smart particles via
Reinforcement Learning. PIML2018, Santa Fe, USA 2018.
- Lagrangian power statistics and
irreversibility in turbulence. Workshop on 'Geometrical and
Stastical Fluid Mechanics" Simons Center, Stoony Brook, USA 2017
- Energy transfer and
energy dissipation in turbulent flows. Colloquio Generale della
Classe di Scienze, Scuola Normale di Pisa, Italia 2017.
- Anomalous scaling in
turbulence with direct and/or inverse energy cascades Ginzburg
Centennial Conference, Lebedev Institute Moscow Russia 2017
- Turbulent
energy cascades in
hydrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics. TDM Workshop
IPAM Los Angeles, USA 2017.
- Extreme Events in
Turbulent Rotating Flows: Lagrangian and Eulerian Statistics. UWI,
Trinidad 2017.
- Complex particles in
turbulent flows. Cecam Workshop on Nonequilibrium statistial mechanics,
Rome, Italy 2016.
- Complex particles in
complex flow & Turbulence under dynamical mode reduction. Summer
School on Complex Fluids, Twente The Netherlands 2016.
- Extreme events in
Turbulence and Burgerslence. Workshop
on Instantons and extremen events
in Turbulence and Dynamical Systems. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil 2015.
- Convection in
complex flows and with complex boundary conditions. International
Conference on Rayleigh Benard convection, RBC2015 Gottingen, Germany
- Turbulent cascade under
Fourier mode reductions. Turbulence cascades, Lille, France 2015.
- Computational Issues in
Theretical Fluid Mechanics XII Seminar on Software for Nuclear,
Subnuclear and Applied Physics. Alghero. Italy 2015.
- An experimental study of
turbulence on Fractal Fourier Spaces. WPI Institute Basic issues of
extreme events in turbulence. Vienna, Austria, 2015.
- Una visita guidata
attraverso la turbolenza in 3D, 2D e in dimensioni intermedie.
Colloquio, University of Roma Tre, Rome, Italy 2015.
- Panta rei (Everything flows).
Eindhoven Multiscale Institute Colloquium, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
- Direct and Inverse
Energy cascades in 2D and 3D turbulence, Turbulence in the sky as on
the earth. IIP, Natal, Brasil 2014.
- On the direct and
inverse energy transfer in 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional turbulent
flows. Strolling on Chaos, Turbulence and Statistical Mechanics. Rome,
Italy 2014.
- Deformation statistics
of small ellipsoidal drops in isotropic turbulence, "Vortical
structures and wall turbulence. Paolo Orlandi: A vortical and turbulent
life" Rome, Italy 2014.
- Turbulence in 2 and 3
dimensions. ICTP, Trieste, Italy, 2014.
- A guided tour across
turbulence. ETH, Zurich, Switzerland, 2014.
- On the
direct and inverse energy transfer in 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional
turbulent flows, NORDITA Colloquium, Stokholm, Sweden 2014.
- Fully developed
turbulence. Colloquim Physics Department 'Chalmers University"
Gothenburg, Sweden 2014.
- Particles and Fields in
out-of-equiibrium 2d an 3d Flows. 'Five computational pieces and a do:
getting ready to celebrate Giovanni Ciccotti's 70th birthday', Rome,
Italy 2013.
- Non-local interactions
in 2d and 3d Turbulence. Workshop 'Non-locality in Turbulence' WPI
Vienna, Austria 2013.
- Turbulent dispersion
from point sources. Workshop on "Turbulence and amorphous systems" Eil
At, Israel 2013.
- Lattice
Boltzmann Methods
for complex flows. School on "Mathematical Approaches to
Complex Fluids" Isaac Newton Institute Cambridge, UK 2013.
- Droplets and bubbles in
turbulent flows "Particles in Turbulence". COST Action MP0806,
Eindhoven, The Netherlands 2013.
- Chaos and Turbulence
"Outreach event" organized by KITPC Beijing, China 2012. (movie)
- Turbulent dispersion
from point source: correction to Richardson PDF. Workshop on
"Mathematics of Particles and Flows" WPI Vienna, Austria 2012.
- Boiling convection
"Particles in Turbulence" COST Workshop, Leiden, The Netherlands 2012.
- The
multifractal approach to Lagrangian and Eulerian statistics: successes
and pitfalls. Workshop on "Euler - Lagrange" WPI Vienna, Austria, 2012.
- Rayleigh-Taylor
in stratified Flows, KITP program on Turbulence, USA 2011.
- Energy-Helicity dynamics
in 3D turbulence. “Defining Guidelines for Future Extreme Simulations
of 3D Fluid and MHD Turbulence" Bangalore, India 2011.
- Inverse energy cascades
in 3D turbulence. “The solar course, the chemical force, and the
speeding change of water” Nordita Stockolm, Sweden 2011.
- Droplets
and Bubbles in Turbulence. DSFD 2011. Fargo, USA 2011.
- Turbulent
pair dispersion of inertial particles. Particles in turbulence 2011.
International Conference on Fundamentals, Experiments, Numeric and
Applications 16-18 March 2011, Potsdam, Germany 2011.
- Rayleigh
Taylor turbulence for stratified and unstratified flows. Turbulence and
Mixing, Eilat, Israel 2010.
- Basic of turbulence. International School on 'Fluctuations and
Turbulence in the microphysics and dynamics of clouds'. Porquerolles,
France 2010.
- Lattice
Boltzmann Models for Microfluidic. Rencontres Niçoises de Mécanique des
Fluides, University of Nice, France 2010.
- Eulerian and Lagrangian Multifractals for Turbulence.
Turbulence Mixing an Beyond II. Trieste, Italy 2009.
- Caustics
and Itermittency in inertial particles velocities in turbulent flows.
International Symposium on Turbulence. Beijing, China 2009.
- Lagrangian and Eulerian Statistics with multifractal
phenomenology. Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK 2008.
- Contact line dynamics and mesoscale simulations: LBE. CECAM
Workshop, Lausanne, Switzerland 2008.
- Lagrangian Structure Functions in Turbulence. International
Conference on non-linear physcics, "Tata Institute"
Bangalore, India 2008.
- Capillary Filling in micro devices. Workhsop on
Microfluidics Leiden, The Netherlands 2008.
- Multiphase Lattice Boltzmann Equations. International
School on
LBE. CNR, Rome Italy 2008.
- Multifractals: where do they work, where do they fail.
Worklshop IWP, Vienna Austria 2008.
- Lagrangian Structure Functions in Turbulence, DFD, Invited
Minisymposium on Lagrangian Turbulence, APS, Seattle Usa 2007.
- SO(3) decomposition
applied to Navier Stokes equations. Tutorial ETC XI . Porto
Portugal July 2007.
- Multiphase Lattice
Boltzmann Equations for microfluids. Dynamical and static
properties. DSFD 2007, Bannf Canada, 2007.
- Anisotropy in Turbulence.
"EULER250" Conference. Aussois France. 2007
- Inertial Particles in
Turbulent Flows. "iTi conference" Bad Zwischenhah, Germany. 2005.
- Complex spatio-temporal
signals: the case of turbulence. "The XIII Non-linear
dynamics in Electronical system meeting" Potsdam, Germany. 2005
- Analysis of anisotropies in
Turbulent Flows. "School on Turbulence" Potsdam, Germany. 2005.
- Artifacts in turbulence
scaling. "Power laws and artifacts in Statistical Mechanics"
Beaulieu-sur-mer, France. 2005.
- Multifractals in Turbulence.
"WAMA school". Cargese. France. 2004.
- Lagrangian Turbulence form
DNS. "Turbulence and Mixing", EilAt, Israel. 2004.
- Spatio-temporal properties
of the turbulent energy cascade, "Cascade dynamics", Santa Fe,
NM, USA, 2004.
- Turbulence: a guided tour,
``Frontier Science 2003'' Pavia, Italy, 2003.
- Numerical Challanges for
Turbulence, ``Non-perturbative computational physics: the next
five years'' Ferrara, Italy, 2003.
- Turbulence with
small-scale forcing,``European symposium on Turbulence'' Bonn,
Germany, 2003.
- Modern problems in fully
developed turbulence, ``Winter-school'' Chinese University of
Hong Kong, HK, 2003.
- Isotropy and Anisotropies
in Turbulence: an overview, Plenary Lecture: ``ETC 9''
Southampton, UK, 2002.
- Shell Models of
Turbulence: an overview,"Statistical Theories of Turbulence''
Santa Fe, USA, 2002.
- Anisotropic-Homogeneous
Turbulence, ``European Symposium on Turbulence'' Porto,
Portugal, 2001.
- Anisotropic Turbulence,
``V Convegno Nazionale di Fisica Statistica'' Parma, Italy,
- Anisotropic Fluctuations
in Turbulence, ``EGS Meeting'' Nice France, 2000.
- New Ideas in Hydrodynamics,
``Aspen Institute'' Wye-Plantation, USA, 2000.
- Scaling in Isotropic and
Anisotropic Turbulence, ``VI-eme Colloque Cosmologie'' Paris,
France, 1999.
- The role of SO(3) Symmetry
Group in Anisotropic Turbulence, ``TAO Study Center'' Palma de
Maiorca, Spain, 1999.
- Multi-scale and Multi-time
Correlation Functions in Turbulence,"Vth German-Israeli Winter
School", Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel, 1999.
- Multi-Scale Correlation
Functions and Fusion-Rules in Turbulence, ``Turbulence:
Challenges for the 21st century'' in honor of R.H.~Kraichnan,
Alamos, USA, 1998.
- Generalized Scaling in
Turbulence, ``Second MONTE VERITA colloquium on problematic
issues in Turbulence'', Ascona, Switzerland, 1998.
- GESS and ESS in Turbulence,
``Chaos and Disorder'', in honor of G.~Paladin, Rome, Italy,
- Turbulence: a
Computational Challenge, ``APEmille Workshop'', Laboratori
Nazionali di Frascati, Italy, 1997.
- Scaling in Turbulence and
in Turbulent Models, ``INFM97'' INFM Workshop, Cagliari,
Italy, 1997.
- Scaling in Turbulent Flows,
``Scaling Invariance and Beyond'' Les Houches School, France,
- A new Scaling for
Turbulent Flows, ``Workshop on Turbulence Modeling and Vortex
Dynamics'', Istanbul, Turkey, 1996.
- The Role of Inviscid
Invariants in Shell Models of Turbulence, ``50-th Japanese
Physical Society'' Tokyo, Japan, 1995.